Physics and anatomy
Babak Nosrati; mohamad haghpanah; masih masoudifar; alireza dorostkar
In this research microscopic properties of wood near the pith to bark in Dalbergia sissoo was investigated. For this reason 3 stands of 10 years old Dalbergia sissoo trees from ShoshDanial area in Khozestan province were selected and cut. For measuring fiber biometrics of samples, from each trees one ...
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In this research microscopic properties of wood near the pith to bark in Dalbergia sissoo was investigated. For this reason 3 stands of 10 years old Dalbergia sissoo trees from ShoshDanial area in Khozestan province were selected and cut. For measuring fiber biometrics of samples, from each trees one disc and from each disc 10 pell in match's size segregated and tested. Segregation of fibers was done with Franklin method. Also microscopic segments of wood near the pith and bark were studied with light microscope. The results showed that the length, total and lumen diameter, and thickness of cell wall are significantly different and this values were increased from pith to bark. Ray widths and vessel diameters in wood near the pith and bark were 36.15, 132.98 and 31.82, 98.26 µm respectively and showed a significant difference in the level of 5%. The average number of vessels and the number of rays in wood near the pith and bark were 3.46, 7.20 and 3.54, 6.68 number respectively. Also ray length means in wood near the pith and bark were 130.86 and 132.05µm respectively and didn’t show a significant difference in the level of 5%.
Composite wood products
babak Nosrati; masih masoudifar; mohamad haghpanah
Cordia (Sepestan in Persian) species (Cordia myxa L.) is in the borage family (Boraginaceae) and it is growing with geographical distribution in the moderate and tropical regions of Iran such as near the Persian Gulf, especiallyin Bandar Abbas and some places in Kerman and Sistan and Baluchestan region ...
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Cordia (Sepestan in Persian) species (Cordia myxa L.) is in the borage family (Boraginaceae) and it is growing with geographical distribution in the moderate and tropical regions of Iran such as near the Persian Gulf, especiallyin Bandar Abbas and some places in Kerman and Sistan and Baluchestan region but its anatomical characteristics have not been studied yet. In this study, some of the anatomical, chemical and physical properties of Sepestan wood in Iranshahr region in Sistan and Baluchestan Province were measured. Anatomical studies showed that this species has average diameter vessels, simple vascular perforation plate and intervessel pits alternate. Its ray xylems type is heterogeneous and contains abundant crystals. The wood tissue is parenchyma with abundant prismatic crystals and in the cross-section parenchyma was observed in gregarious and continuous formation. Average length, overall diameter, lumen diameter and wall thickness of the fibers were measured 1329, 33.5, 21.7 and 5.9 microns respectively. Also investigation of chemical characteristics showed that Sepestan wood has average cellulose 34.75, lignin 20.6, extractives soluble in acetone 7.88 and also 8.9 percent ash. The results also showed that the specific gravity of the wood is 0.4 and maximum volumetric swelling and shrinkage were 10.98 and 12.34 percent respectively.
Vahid Safdari; Seyyed Peyman Hashemi Beygzadmahalleh; Asghar Tabei; Seyyed Khalil Hosseinihashemi
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is one of the non-wood species and its stalks are the main crop after harvesting which can be used in composite board and paper industry. For better use of this non-wood fibrous raw material, the evaluation of anatomical, morphological and chemical components are necessary. ...
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Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is one of the non-wood species and its stalks are the main crop after harvesting which can be used in composite board and paper industry. For better use of this non-wood fibrous raw material, the evaluation of anatomical, morphological and chemical components are necessary. Tobacco stalks "Coker"cultivar 347 which is widely planted in Gilan province of Iran were randomly sampled. Anatomical properties (cross, tangential and radial sections) and morphological properties (fiber length, fiber diameter, and cell wall thickness) were measured and the indices and ratio of the fibers including: slenderness index, runkel index, flexibility ratio in three heights of stem (5%, 50% and 75%) were calculated. The Chemical components including: Cellulose, lignin, ash, alpha cellulose and hemicellulose of stem with bark and without bark were recorded according to related standards and the results were ststistically analyzed. Results showed that the chemical components of the tobacco stalk were desirable but the index of L/D of fibers were lower than many non-woods and hardwoods. Therefore, it is assumed that the paper produced from tobacco stalks do have suitable tear strength. The runkel index (2 cell wall thickness / fiber diameter) is close to hardwoods and many non-woods, Therefore, it is presumed that paper have appropriate tensile, burst and folding strength. It is predicted that tobacco stalks combined with softwoods with long fibers can produce good quality paper.