Composite wood products
Ghoncheh Rassam; Hosein Rangavar; vahid nickhah
In this study the effects of aluminum dioxide (Al2O3) and copper oxide (CuO) metallic nanoparticles, on the physical and mechanical properties of medium density fiberboard (density of 0.7 g/cm3) made with mixture of industrial wooden fibers and sunflower plant stalk fibers were studied. Two levels of ...
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In this study the effects of aluminum dioxide (Al2O3) and copper oxide (CuO) metallic nanoparticles, on the physical and mechanical properties of medium density fiberboard (density of 0.7 g/cm3) made with mixture of industrial wooden fibers and sunflower plant stalk fibers were studied. Two levels of raw material including industrial fibers and sunflower stalks fibers, with five levels of mixing ratios (100: 0, 0:100, 50: 50, 25: 75, 75: 25), metallic nanoparticles with concentration of 400 ppm each at two levels of 2 and 4 percent (based on dry fiber weight) were used. Physical and mechanical properties including thickness swelling, water absorption after 2 & 24 hours soaking in water, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity of bending and internal bonding of the samples were measured and analyzed statistically. The results showed that higher percentage of nanoparticles and industrial fibers and lower percentage of sunflower stalk fibers increased the modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity. Applying nano-metal treatment reduced water absorption and thickness swelling after 2 and 24 h soaking in water. In overall, using 4% nano aluminum dioxide and 4% nano copper oxide at all levels of mixing ratios were resulted in producing boards with better properties, comparing to the EN 622-5 standard specifications, which are suitable for interior uses.
Composite wood products
masoudreza habibi; Hossein Hosseinkhani; Saeid Mahdavi; Fardad Golbabaei
In this study Medium Density Fiberboard was produced from 4 year old Poplar clones (P.e. costanzo, P.e. 564.41, P.e. vernirubensis). Fibers length of P.e. costanzo, P.e. 564.41, P.e. vernirubensis were measured 805, 751 and 764 micron respectively. Also fibers diameter of these clones were determined ...
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In this study Medium Density Fiberboard was produced from 4 year old Poplar clones (P.e. costanzo, P.e. 564.41, P.e. vernirubensis). Fibers length of P.e. costanzo, P.e. 564.41, P.e. vernirubensis were measured 805, 751 and 764 micron respectively. Also fibers diameter of these clones were determined 25.76, 25.44, 25.23 micron respectively. Three steaming times (5, 10, 15 minutes) were used for fibers preparation. Also three press times (3, 4, 5 minutes) and two resin contents (9%, 11%) were applied for MDF production. Thus physical and mechanical properties of boards such as MOE, MOR, IB and Thickness Swelling after 2 and 24 hours were investigated. The physical and mechanical properties of boards were tested in based on EN standard. The measurements of bending properties and IB of MDF revealed that increasing steaming time caused to decrease MOE, MOR and IB. The highest of MOE, MOR and IB were obtained in 5 minutes steaming time. Also the lowest values of Thickness Swelling after 2 and 24 hours were obtained in 15 minutes steaming time. The influence of press time on bending properties was not significant. The highest of IB was obtained in 5 minutes press time. As expected, boards demonstrated better properties at higher resin content.
Composite wood products
masoudreza habibi; Hossein Hosseinkhani; Saeed Mahdavi
In this study , MDF was produced from three clones of poplar (P.e. vernirubensis, P.e. costanzo, P.e.561.41). Age clones of poplar were 4 and 12 years. In addition to age variation , the influence of three production variables (steaming time , press time and resin content on MDF properties were investigated. ...
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In this study , MDF was produced from three clones of poplar (P.e. vernirubensis, P.e. costanzo, P.e.561.41). Age clones of poplar were 4 and 12 years. In addition to age variation , the influence of three production variables (steaming time , press time and resin content on MDF properties were investigated. Variations of each variable were as follow:
- Steaming time (5, 10, 15 minutes)
- Press time (3, 4, 5 minutes)
- Resin content (9%, 11%)
Fiber length and fiber diameter of 4 and 12 years old poplar clones (P.e. vernirubensis, P.e. costanzo, P.e.564.41) were measured 746, 25.23, 805, 25.76,751, 25.44 and 902, 31.62, 995, 29.23, 899, 26.83 micron respectively.
MOR, MOE, IB, TS2, TS24 were determined according to DIN standard.
Increasing steaming time decreased board's internal bond and bending properties. As expected, boards demonstrated better properties at higher resin consumption. Minimum of boards thickness swelling were obtained at 15 minutes steaming time because of fiber hydrophilic properties were decreased. There are no significant differences between 4 and 12 years old of clones for bending properties and IB of boards. The effect of age variation is only significant difference on thickness swelling of boards which it is lower for 4 years old clones.