Pulp and paper
Mohammad Mahdi Barazandeh; Saeid Mahdavi; Abbas Fakhryan
Because of importance and wide usage of different species of Populus wood in paper pulping, the delignification reaction in pulping process of P. deltoides was investigated in order to obtain the relation between residual lignin in the pulp and cooking time. The samples were 10 years olded of Populus ...
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Because of importance and wide usage of different species of Populus wood in paper pulping, the delignification reaction in pulping process of P. deltoides was investigated in order to obtain the relation between residual lignin in the pulp and cooking time. The samples were 10 years olded of Populus deltoids woods which were collected from Chamestan Research Station located in Noor city of Mazandaran province. Kraft method was used for pulping the condition of which were 25% sulfidity, 14% alkali, 5:1 the ratio of liquor to sample, maximum cooking temperature as 155, 165, 175 degree centigrade. Kappa number and the yields of pulps were estimated and residual lignin was calculated for each sample. Using the models predicted for rate equation and trial and error method in excell software, the order and rate constant of delignification reaction were evaluated for each cooking temperature. The results show that the rate equations of delignification reaction of Populus deltoides in temperatures of 155°C, 165°C and 175°C have the orders of 5.5, 2.5 , 1 and the rate constants of 1.8× 10-7 min.-1 conc.-4.5, 7.7× 10-4 min.-1 conc.-1.5 and 3.5× 10-3 min.-1 , respectively. Using these equations it will be possible to control the pulping process and predict the time required to obtain a desired lignin concentration in the pulp.
Abas Fakhryan
In this study, pulp and handsheets characteristics of radiata pine wood kraft pulp was evaluated. The ratiata pine wood was collected from Chamestan Noor Research Station. Average dry and basic specific gravity of wood were determined as 0.342 and 0.308 g/cm3 and average fiber (tracheid) dimension ...
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In this study, pulp and handsheets characteristics of radiata pine wood kraft pulp was evaluated. The ratiata pine wood was collected from Chamestan Noor Research Station. Average dry and basic specific gravity of wood were determined as 0.342 and 0.308 g/cm3 and average fiber (tracheid) dimension including fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured as 2460, 40.35, 33.17 and 3.59 µm, respectively. The chemical composition was determined as holocellulose 72.07%, alfa cellulose 43.41%, lignin 29.95%, ash 0.50 % and extractive as 1.75%. Kraft (Sulfate) process was applied for cooking and pulping the wood. A factorial randomized complete block design test was conducted to compare the fiber dimensions, physical properties, chemical composition and the yield of the pulp. To examine strength properties of handsheets, ANOVA statistical analysis was used and for grouping the means Duncan test were applied. The minimum and maximum yield and kappa number of these pulps were measured at 40.33%, 50.43% and 33.89, 60.22, respectively. The results of handsheet strength measurement indicated that radiata pine wood kraft pulp provides suitable substitute for imported long fiber pulp to be mixed with short fiber hardwood pulp.
Bagasse pulping process was conducted using soda liquor in five maximum cooking temperatures, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 degree centigrade. To evaluate rate equations of delignification reaction in each temperature, pulping was done in the same alkali and liquor to bagasse ratio but varying cooking ...
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Bagasse pulping process was conducted using soda liquor in five maximum cooking temperatures, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 degree centigrade. To evaluate rate equations of delignification reaction in each temperature, pulping was done in the same alkali and liquor to bagasse ratio but varying cooking times and the results were presented in the form of rate equations with respect to residual lignin concentration in the pulp. The rate equations revealed that delignification reaction rate of bagasse depends both on cooking temperature and residual lignin concentration. The order of rate equation in higher temperatures is far higher than those in low temperatures and due to this, reaction rate in high temperatures is more dependent on residual lignin concentration and far than the rate reaction in lower temperatures. With reaction progressing, the difference between the two rate reactions is reduced and after one point it will be reversed. Using experimental data, the order of delignification reaction rate in temperatures 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160ْC were obtained as 4.6, 4.6, 5.5, 22.8 and 22.7 respectively. The rate constants were also calculated as 1.3×10-5 conc.-3.6 min.-1, 1.1×10-4 conc.-3.6 min.-1, 7.2×10-5 conc.-4.5 min.-1, 6.2×10-10 conc.-21.8 min.-1, 4.0×10-11 conc.-21.7 min.-1, respectively.
Pulp and paper
Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Fardad Golbabaei; Hossein Hosseinkhani; Kamyar Salehi; Saeed Mahdavi; Sabrineh Mohsseni tavakoli
In this reseach, chemical, anatomical and pulping properties of 12 years old Populus.triplo of adapting plan and quantity properties of this tree from karaj research station were investigated.The average of fiber length ,diameter ,lumen and thickness of cell wall 1.27 mm ,31.88 um, 23.54 um and 4.22 ...
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In this reseach, chemical, anatomical and pulping properties of 12 years old Populus.triplo of adapting plan and quantity properties of this tree from karaj research station were investigated.The average of fiber length ,diameter ,lumen and thickness of cell wall 1.27 mm ,31.88 um, 23.54 um and 4.22 um and cellulose ,lignin , Ext. and ash %53.74 , %22.87 , %1.8 and %1.5 were measured respectively.The yield and kappa number of pulps between 41.152% - 48% and 18.06 – 25.28 were measured.In 14% and 18% effective alcoholli, tearh index 9.307 mNm²/gr and 10.147 mNm²/gr were obtained.
Chemistry of wood
saeed mahdavi; masoudreza habibi; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Kamyar Salehi
Oil seed rape (Brassica napus) planting is increasing as the Iranian Ministry of Agriculture Jehad policy to provide supply of oil food in Iran. The objective of this study is utilization of rapeseed straw as a considerable raw material for paper industry whereas there is shortage of lignocellulosic ...
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Oil seed rape (Brassica napus) planting is increasing as the Iranian Ministry of Agriculture Jehad policy to provide supply of oil food in Iran. The objective of this study is utilization of rapeseed straw as a considerable raw material for paper industry whereas there is shortage of lignocellulosic material in Iran. Sampling was carried out from two varieties of oil seed rape, Hiola 401 and PF, based on initial compatibility experiments and yield in Mazandaran province from Baye-colla research station. The results show that at least 4 ton/hect. oven dry rapeseed straws are available. There were significant differences between fiber width, lumen diameter, ash and extractive contents in two varieties. Rapeseed straw as a lignocellulosic material was achieved at 10 score according to the five characteristics consisting of phytology, fiber dimension, fiber yield, chemical components and appearance feature. This means more studies are necessary to make a final assessment.
Physics and anatomy
Fardad Golbabaei; Ghanbar Ebrahimi; Abolfazl Kargarfard; Abbas Fakhryan roghani
Oak (Quercus castaneafolia C.A. Mey) is one of the most important broadleaf species in the Caspian Forests of Iran. The wood of oak is highly appreciated in domestic wood industries especially furniture industry.
In this study which is a part of the extensive surveying project of the main wood engineering ...
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Oak (Quercus castaneafolia C.A. Mey) is one of the most important broadleaf species in the Caspian Forests of Iran. The wood of oak is highly appreciated in domestic wood industries especially furniture industry.
In this study which is a part of the extensive surveying project of the main wood engineering properties of Iranian woods, the natural variations of strength and related properties of two trees of about 70 years old from Shafarod Forests in Gilan province were investigated.
The properties were determined from tests on small clear specimens in the green and dry conditions following the ASTM Standard. The mechanical and physical properties studied include: stress at elastic limits, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and modulus of elasticity in static bending; shear parallel to grain, maximum crushing strength, fiber stress at proportional limit and modulus of elasticity in compression parallel to grain; compression perpendicular to grain and specific gravity.
The results of statistical analysis showed that the mechanical strength of the wood was found to be affected by percentage of moisture content of wood specimens, height of sample tree and to some extend by geographical; cal direction.
Mechanical conversion of wood and wooden fittings
Hossein Hosseinkhani; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Fardad Golbabaei; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; masoudreza habibi
In order to establish a sawing pattern for small log of Iranian Poplar wood (Populus nigra), experimental specimens were prepared from fresh felled trees. All logs were cut in 230 cm, the length and two sawing patterns were used in order to saw and produce boards with 60 mm, nominal size in thickness. ...
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In order to establish a sawing pattern for small log of Iranian Poplar wood (Populus nigra), experimental specimens were prepared from fresh felled trees. All logs were cut in 230 cm, the length and two sawing patterns were used in order to saw and produce boards with 60 mm, nominal size in thickness. In this study the band saw both vertical and horizontal were used. The study provides considerable evidence that there is significant difference between two sawing patterns (live & traditional method) and live sawing gave significantly more yield and slabs than the other method Sawing pattern for each top diameter of logs have been also given. Since the cost of coating is not much in relation to the benefits, end coating of logs and storage is recommended.
Pulp and paper
Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Fardad Golbabaei
In this investigation, physical, chemical, fiber dimensions, pulp and papermaking characteristics of 4 years old Alnus glutinosa was researched. The average of oven dry and critical density, fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured at 0.396, 0.368, 0.875mm, 32.66um, ...
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In this investigation, physical, chemical, fiber dimensions, pulp and papermaking characteristics of 4 years old Alnus glutinosa was researched. The average of oven dry and critical density, fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured at 0.396, 0.368, 0.875mm, 32.66um, 27.28 urn and 2.70 urn respectively. Chemical compositions were obtained 48.5% cellulose, 25.35% lignin, 0.31% ash and 2.36% extractives. CMP, one stage APMP and two stage APMP processes were used for cooking. After preliminary cooking, cooking temperature, cooking time, NaOH and H202 charges were applied at 95 degree of centigrade, 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes 10%,3% and so on. In CMP process, the average of yield, burst index, breaking length, tear index opacity and brightness were obtained at %73.72-%82.57, Kpa m2/gr. 1.53, Km 3.81, mNm2/gr 3.34, %99.59 and %29.35 correspondingly.In one stage APMP process, the average of yield, burst index, breaking length, tear index opacity and brightness were obtained at %74.09-%81.57, Kpa m2/gr. 1.52, Km 3.5, mNm2/gr3.2, %99.80 and%28.21 respectively.In two stage APMP process, the average of yield, burst index, breaking length, tear index opacity and brightness were obtained at %73.99-%80.89, Kpa m2/gr. 1.92, Km 3.95, mNm2/gr 3.45, %99.85 and %32.41 in that order.Among yields of pulp in the three methods, there weren't significant difference at level 5%. In two stages APMP paper, the burst index, breaking length and brightness were more than other and changes of cooking methods hadn't significant differences at level 5% on tear index.
Pulp and paper
Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Fardad Golbabaei; Hossein Hosseinkhani
Two 22 years old spruce trees (Picea abies) from Picesoon region of Gilan province are investigated. These samples were transferred to the Alborz research center. The physical, anatomical and chemical properties of samples were determined. Dry and critical specific gravity, fiber length, amount of cellulose ...
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Two 22 years old spruce trees (Picea abies) from Picesoon region of Gilan province are investigated. These samples were transferred to the Alborz research center. The physical, anatomical and chemical properties of samples were determined. Dry and critical specific gravity, fiber length, amount of cellulose and lignin were measured at 0.334, 0.306, 3.07 mm, % 59.74 and % 28.94 respectively. Average yield and kappa number of kraft pulp at %16, %18 and % 20 effective alkalis were determined at 48/67%, 44.67%, 45.63% and 46.85, 33.98 and 26.89 respectively. The result of this research indicates that production of suitable pulp from picea abies wood is possible.
Physics and Mechanical Wood
Fardad Golbabaei; Amir Nourbakhsh; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Shahrokh Falahdoost
Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky L.) is one of the most important broadleaf species in the Caspian Forests of Iran. The wood of Beech is highly appreciated in domestic wood industries especially furniture industry. In this study which is a part of the extensive surveying project of the main wood engineering ...
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Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky L.) is one of the most important broadleaf species in the Caspian Forests of Iran. The wood of Beech is highly appreciated in domestic wood industries especially furniture industry. In this study which is a part of the extensive surveying project of the main wood engineering properties of Iranian woods, the natural variations of strength and related properties of three trees of about 75 years old from Sangdeh Forests in Mazandran province were investigated.The properties were determined from tests on small clear specimens in the green and dry conditions following the ASTM Standard. The mechanical and physical properties studied include: stress at elastic limits, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and modulus of elasticity in static bending; shear parallel to grain, maximum crushing strength, fiber stress at proportional limit and modulus of elasticity in compression parallel to grain; compression perpendicular to grain and specific gravity.The results of statistical analysis showed that the mechanical strength of the wood was found to be affected by percentage of moisture conten of wood specimens, height of sample tree and to some extend by geographical; direction.
Physics and Mechanical Wood
Fardad Golbabaei; Amir Nourbakhsh; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Shahrokh Falahdoost
In this study physical and mechanical properties of Hornbeam wood (Carpinus betulus L.) grown at two different elevations of Golestan Forests located in the north east of Caspian Sea were investigated based on the ASTM Standard.Selected trees were cut from two different elevations, at different heights ...
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In this study physical and mechanical properties of Hornbeam wood (Carpinus betulus L.) grown at two different elevations of Golestan Forests located in the north east of Caspian Sea were investigated based on the ASTM Standard.Selected trees were cut from two different elevations, at different heights in the trunk, at 4 different geographical directions of the trunk and also 2 different moisture contents.The results of statistical analysis showed that properties of Hornbeam wood from this region were influenced by elevations and to the lessees extend by geographical direction of wood specimens and tree heights.
Pulp and paper
Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Fardad Golbabaei; Hossein Hosseinkhani
Three 4,6 and 12 years old populus deltoides trees were randomly selected and felled from the Safrabasteh Research Station located in Gilan province. Samples were transferred to the Wood chemistry and Paper Making of Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands. By using of kraft processing, percentage ...
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Three 4,6 and 12 years old populus deltoides trees were randomly selected and felled from the Safrabasteh Research Station located in Gilan province. Samples were transferred to the Wood chemistry and Paper Making of Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands. By using of kraft processing, percentage of sulfidity rate of %25, and the temperature of 165°C a addition to modification of effective alkali, up to 14%, 17%, 20% and cooking time at maximum temperature of 60 min., 120 min., 180 min., with a rate of liquide to lignocellulosics malerial equivalent at 5/1 (L/W).Average of yield and kappa number of pulps was measured between 43.83-2.20 and 14.85-30.48 respectively.Pulps were refined up to the freness degree of 350, 400 and 450 c.s.f for 14% effective alkali and 350 c.s.f. for 20% effective alkali. The mechanical properties of 60 grams hand-made papers include breaking length, burst Index, tear Index and folding were also measured.
Chemical conversion
Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Fardad Golbabaei
Threes, six and 12 years old sample trees of Populos deltoides 77.51 were randomly selected and felled at the safrabasteh research station located in Gilan province. Sample tree transferred to the Alborz research center- Karaj for Laboratory studies; The Laboratory studies included determination of physical, ...
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Threes, six and 12 years old sample trees of Populos deltoides 77.51 were randomly selected and felled at the safrabasteh research station located in Gilan province. Sample tree transferred to the Alborz research center- Karaj for Laboratory studies; The Laboratory studies included determination of physical, anatomical and chemical composition of revealed that with increasing trees age, fiber length and fiber diameter increased. There was significant differences among three ages studied at I percent probability.
Physics and Mechanical Wood
Fardad Golbabaei; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Amir Nourbakhsh; Hossein Hosseinkhani; Abbas Fakhryan roghani
In this study physical and mechanical properties of Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) grown at three different elevations of Asalem Forests located at the north west of Gilan were investigated following the ASTM Standard. Sample trees were selected from 3 different elevations, at different height of trees, ...
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In this study physical and mechanical properties of Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) grown at three different elevations of Asalem Forests located at the north west of Gilan were investigated following the ASTM Standard. Sample trees were selected from 3 different elevations, at different height of trees, at 4 different geographical directions of the stems and 2 different moisture contents.The results of statistical analysis revealed that properties of Hornbeam wood from this region was influenced by elevations and to the lessees extend to geographical direction of wood specimens and tree height.
Physics and anatomy
Saeed Mahdavi; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; masoudreza habibi
In order to evaluate reed as a raw material for wood & paper industries, three main regions of Iran consist of south, North and East were selected for this study. Phragmites australis is dominant species in these regions and this study concentrated on it as well.Chemical components and biometry of ...
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In order to evaluate reed as a raw material for wood & paper industries, three main regions of Iran consist of south, North and East were selected for this study. Phragmites australis is dominant species in these regions and this study concentrated on it as well.Chemical components and biometry of fibers were determined with four and thirty replications respectively. Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences among three regions in fiber length and lumen diameter but reversely fiber width and cell wall thickness showed significant differences. The highest fiber length mean was 1.39mm. For North (Anzali) Coefficients of papermaking of fibers also were calculated for each region. Biometerical fiber results, showed that P. australis has good fiber compare to the Iranians hardwoods as papermaking.The results also showed that there are significant differences between regions and subregions at %5 level. North had the highest and lowest cellulose and lignin contents respectively. These results also proved that P.australis is one of the best Iranians' raw materials as cellulose and lignin contents between the others.
Composite wood products
Ahmad Jahan latibari; Habibalah Arabtabar; Fardad Golbabaei; Abolfazl Kargarfard; Amir Nourbakhsh; Abbas Fakhryan roghani
Laminated beam ( LB.) and laminated veneer lumber ( LVL) manufactured from maple, hornbeam and beech wood is investigated. Three levels of press pressures at 30, 35, 40 kg/cm2, three levels of layer thicknesses of 2, 3, 4 mm and tangential and radial layers are investigated. Bending strength (MOR and ...
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Laminated beam ( LB.) and laminated veneer lumber ( LVL) manufactured from maple, hornbeam and beech wood is investigated. Three levels of press pressures at 30, 35, 40 kg/cm2, three levels of layer thicknesses of 2, 3, 4 mm and tangential and radial layers are investigated. Bending strength (MOR and MOE) and shear strength were measured according to ASTM 1186 and 905 respectively.The results of this investigation indicated that laminated wood strength of samples produced from hornbeam layers is superior to beech and beech is superior to maple. Statistical analysis of the results showed that the effect of wood species on strength properties is significantly different at 99% level. Press pressure also showed significant effect on strength. Increasing press pressure improved bending properties, but the highest shear strength was observed at 30 kg/cm2. Cutting direction did not influence bending strength and only influenced the shear strength. Even though the initial anticipation was the fact that thinner layer will produce stronger laminated wood. But the results or this study showed that layer thickness did not significantly affect strength properties.
Pulp and paper
Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Fardad Golbabaei
In this study, anatomical, physical, pulping and paper making properties of Eucalyptus microtheca grown in Farse province is investigated. Eight trees were sampled for this study. The average dry and critical specific gravity of 8 samples were measured at 0.85 and 0.88 for heartwood and 0.8 and 0.75 ...
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In this study, anatomical, physical, pulping and paper making properties of Eucalyptus microtheca grown in Farse province is investigated. Eight trees were sampled for this study. The average dry and critical specific gravity of 8 samples were measured at 0.85 and 0.88 for heartwood and 0.8 and 0.75 for sapwood respectively. Mean of fiber length, diameter and cell wall thickness were measured at 0.78 mm, 15.68 mm and 4.560 mm for heartwood respectively. The corresponding figures for sapwood are 0.84 mm, 15.72 mm and 4.88 mm.Pulps were produce by two processes, Kraft (as a chemical process) and NSSC (as a semi-chemical process). Pulp properties of these two processes were compared. Yield and Kappa number of Pulp depend on cooking condition are 36.42-53.25 percent and 21.68-87.68 for Kraft Pulps and 64.59-70.91 percent and 130-189 for NSSC pulp respectively. Physical properties of pulps consist of burst and tear Index and breaking length were measured at 3.90-4.84 kPa.m2/g and 8.34-11.01 mN.m2/g and 5.36-6.94 Km for Kraft Pulps respectively. These properties for NSSC Pulp are 1.72-2.89 kPam2/g, 7.46-8.26 mNm2/g and 4.11-5.14 Km.
Physics and anatomy
Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Hossein Familian; Kamyar Salehi; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Fardad Golbabaei; Habibalah Arabtabar; Nayeralsadat Sadraei
Eight-nineteen-year-old trees from Eucalyptus intertexta from Sarab bahman experimental Plantation located 160 Km. South west of Shiraz were selected randomly and fell two from each of the four blocks. Form each tree, 10 cm. thick cross-sectional discs at several different heights (3 meters intervals) ...
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Eight-nineteen-year-old trees from Eucalyptus intertexta from Sarab bahman experimental Plantation located 160 Km. South west of Shiraz were selected randomly and fell two from each of the four blocks. Form each tree, 10 cm. thick cross-sectional discs at several different heights (3 meters intervals) were cut and together with remaining boles then transferred to the Alborz Research Center-Karaj for laboratory studies. The laboratory studies included determination of physical, anatomical and mechanical properties as well as chemical compositions of wood. The mechanical properties were evaluated on the ASTM methods for air-dry and green conditions. The following conclusions were drawn from this study:E. intertexta from one site in southern region of Iran has an average specific gravity of 0.86, fiber length of 0.71 mm, fiber diameter of 25.26 mm, lumen diameter of 4.04 mm, cell wall thickness 5.62 mm, cellulose content of 45.95; lignin 28.2; extractives soluble in alcohol - Banzen 4.28 and ash 0.62 percent.It was found that the mean values of modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and compression strength-parallel to grain tested at green condition were 74.21 MPa, 8454 MPa and 38.52 MPa and air-dried condition were 123.47 MPa, 14667 MPa and 77.99 MPa respectively. Data are also presented on other mechanical properties such as impact strength, nail withdrawal cleavage and etc.
Chemistry of wood
Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Fardad Golbabaei; Nayeralsadat Sadraei
Eight-nineteen-year-old trees from Eucalyptus camaldulensis from De- hnow experimental Plantation located 160 Km. South west of Shiraz were selected randomly and fell two from each of the four blocks. Form each tree, 10 cm. thick cross-sectional discs at several different heights (3 meters intervals) ...
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Eight-nineteen-year-old trees from Eucalyptus camaldulensis from De- hnow experimental Plantation located 160 Km. South west of Shiraz were selected randomly and fell two from each of the four blocks. Form each tree, 10 cm. thick cross-sectional discs at several different heights (3 meters intervals) were cut and together with remaining boles then transferred to the Alborz Research Center-Karaj for laboratory studies. The laboratory studies included determination of physical, anatomical and mechanical properties as well as chemical compositions of wood.The mechanical properties were evaluated on the ASTM methods for air-dry and green conditions. The following conclusions were drawn from this study:E. camaldulensis from one site in southern region of Iran has an average specific gravity of 0.806, Fiber length of 1.043 mm, fiber diameter of 15.38 mm, lumen diameter of 4.84 mm, cell wall thickness 5.29 mm, cellulose content of 42.5 percent. It was found that the mean values of modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and compression strength-parallel to grain tested at green condition were 81.19 MPa, 10887 MPa and 67.39 MPa respectively.Data are also presented on other mechanical properties such as impact strength, nail withdrawal cleavage and etc.
Pulp and paper
Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Amir Nourbakhsh; Fardad Golbabaei
In this investigation some anatomical, chemical and pulping suitability of two Iranian hardwood species which predominate in the Caspian forests were examined. The species are carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) and parotia persica (Ironwood).The results of this study revealed that:The average fiber length of ...
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In this investigation some anatomical, chemical and pulping suitability of two Iranian hardwood species which predominate in the Caspian forests were examined. The species are carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) and parotia persica (Ironwood).The results of this study revealed that:The average fiber length of carpinus betulus is 1.4 mm., fiber diameter 18 mm, and cell wall thickness 3.37 mm, while inparotia persica, fiber length, cell diameter and cell wall thickness are 1.34 mm, 17.3 mm and 3.48 mm respectively.The overall average of cellulose content: of carpinus betulus and Parotia persica were measured at 48.5, and 46.1 percent, and the lignin content at 17.5 and 21.5 percent respectively.The wood of each of the above species was cooked by means of a kraft process without difficulty but, there was a slight decrease in yield and kappa number with increase active alkali.The pulping yield with active alkali of14% was about 49.6 and with 20% was 43.44 percent, while the pulping yield of parotia persica in active alkali of 14% was 43.04 and in 20% about 37.79 percent. Thus, it may be concluded that for production of wrapping paper from carpinus betulus and parotia percica, using active alkali of 14% might give better quality paper and for production of printing paper from these two species active alkali of 20 percent might be desirable.
Saeid Mahdavi; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Ahmad Jahan latibari; Hossein Resalati; Abbas Fakhryan roghani