Composite wood products
Abolfazl Kargarfard
The potential of cotton stalks residues for the production of particleboard was investigated. Three resin dosage gradients (10% core:10% surface; 9%core:11% surface and 8% core:12% surface) and three press times (3, 4 and 5 minutes) were selected as the variables were produced. Then the mechanical and ...
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The potential of cotton stalks residues for the production of particleboard was investigated. Three resin dosage gradients (10% core:10% surface; 9%core:11% surface and 8% core:12% surface) and three press times (3, 4 and 5 minutes) were selected as the variables were produced. Then the mechanical and physical properties of the boards were measured and statistically analyzed. The results of modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bonding (IB) measurements showed that as the resin dosage gradient increases, these properties increased and the effect of this variable on these properties was statistically significant. The highest values were reached when either 2 or 4% resin dosage gradients were applied. The effect of resin dosage gradient on thickness swelling after 2 and 24 hours immersion in water was also statistically significant and these properties were improved. The effect of press time on thickness swelling was also statistically significant and the lowest thickness swelling was observed at 5 minutes press time. The results indicated that if 2 or 4% resin dosage gradients and either 4 or 5 minutes press time is applied for the manufacturing of particleboards using cotton stalks residues, the specification of the boards meet the EN specification.
Physics and anatomy
ahmad saraiyan; soodeh zhand
In this study, the effect of boiling water pre-treatment on yield, optical, physical and mechanical properties of NSSC (Neutral Sulfite Semi Chemical) pulp from Zagroos wheat straw (Golestan province) was investigated. Chopped wheat straw was pretreated in boiling water for 30 minutes, water to straw ...
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In this study, the effect of boiling water pre-treatment on yield, optical, physical and mechanical properties of NSSC (Neutral Sulfite Semi Chemical) pulp from Zagroos wheat straw (Golestan province) was investigated. Chopped wheat straw was pretreated in boiling water for 30 minutes, water to straw ratio of 10:1. NSSC pulping was carried out at constant pulping conditions including liquor to straw ratio of 10:1, maximum pulping temperature of 160ºC and 30 minutes pulping time. In order to study the effect of NaOH on strength properties of paper, in some trails only Na2S03 were used. Pulping was followed by defibration in laboratory refiner to reach 380±25mlCSF freeness. Handsheets at 60gr/m² were made from each pulp. The strength properties were determined on the basis of TAPPI standard. Results show that pre-treatment imparted a significant increasing effect on the strength properties of papers such as tensile, burst, breaking length, stiffness and density, except RCT strength. Increasing the chemical charge specially NaOH improved the pulp freeness, yield and handsheet density but the handsheet thickness was reduced.
Abolfazl Kargarfard; Amir Nourbakhsh; Reza Jazayeri; ّFardad Golbabaei
The objective of the present study was the utilization of rose flower residues for the production of medium density fiberboard. MDF was produced applying two moisture gradients of 0 and 4% between surface and core layer, two press temperatures of 175 and 185 °C and three pressing times ...
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The objective of the present study was the utilization of rose flower residues for the production of medium density fiberboard. MDF was produced applying two moisture gradients of 0 and 4% between surface and core layer, two press temperatures of 175 and 185 °C and three pressing times of 3,4 and 5 minutes. The mechanical and physical properties of the boards were measured and statistically analyzed using factorial experiment and complete randomized design. In case statistical difference was observed between the averages, then Duncn multiple range test was used for grouping of the averages. The results revealed that the moisture gradient statistically influenced the flexural strength and internal bonding of the boards. In both moisture gradients, the internal bond of the boards increased and the maximum was reached when 5 minutes pressing time was applied. The pressing time also statistically influenced the thickness swelling and the lowest values were measured on boards pressed for five minutes. Generally, the strength properties of the boards were in accordance with the required specification of EN standard, which indicates that rose flower residue can be considered as a suitable raw material for medium density fiberboard production.
Physics and anatomy
asghar tarmian
In this study, some anatomical, chemical and physical properties of toothbrush wood (Salvadora persica L.) of Zabol region in Sistan and Baluchestan province were investigated. Anatomical studies showed that thi s species has short vessel with intermediate diameter, simple perforation plate and alternative ...
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In this study, some anatomical, chemical and physical properties of toothbrush wood (Salvadora persica L.) of Zabol region in Sistan and Baluchestan province were investigated. Anatomical studies showed that thi s species has short vessel with intermediate diameter, simple perforation plate and alternative intervessel pits. Ray parenchyma is homogeneous and of the procumbent cell type. Axial parenchyma is storied as seen in the tangential section and resembles paratracheal confluent arrangement in the cross section. Included phloem was present in xylem. The average fiber length, total diameter, lumen diameter and fiber wall thickening were 1898.5, 19.4, 8.2 and 5.6 µm, respectively. Chemical characteristics also showed that, toothbrush wood has average cellulose, lignin, extractives and ash content about 33.5, 21.5, 6.8 and 7.5%, respectively. The results also showed that the specific gravity of the wood was 0.49 and its mean tangential, radial and longitudinal shrinkages were 7.4, 7.8 and 0.98 %, respectively.
Mohammad amin Andalibian; Saeid Mahdavi; Hossein Kermanian; Omid Ramezani
The possibility to improve the test liner board properties using mechanical treatments (refining) was studied. Old Corrugated Container (OCC) fibers used in a recycled paper manufacturing company were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed and hardwood and softwood fibers content were estimated as ...
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The possibility to improve the test liner board properties using mechanical treatments (refining) was studied. Old Corrugated Container (OCC) fibers used in a recycled paper manufacturing company were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed and hardwood and softwood fibers content were estimated as 22.6% and 60%, respectively. The mechanical treatment of pulp fiber was performed in a Valley Beater until the target freeness of 400 ml CSF. Then hand sheets with the basis weight of 127 g/m2 were made and the apparent density, Gurley air resistance, burst strength, folding endurance, Elmendorf tear strength, tensile strength and RCT were measured according to TAPPI standards. The results showed that all the properties of the refined sample increased compared to the control sample. Comparing the strength properties of the paper produced from refined pulp with the relevant values in Iranian national standards indicated the 33%, 50%, 117% increase in burst index, tensile index, and tear index, respectively. The refined pulp RCT strength increased by 28% compared to that of control sample. As the results indicated, test liner boards with suitable strength can be manufactured locally and even exported.
Ahmad reza Zahedi tabarstani; Ahmad Jahan Latibari; masoudreza habibi
Licorice root residue, a non wood lignocelullosic raw material produced following extraction process was investigated for medium density fiberboard production. MDF was produced utilizing fiber generated applying three steaming times (15, 20 and 25 minutes) at 170 °C steam temperature. ...
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Licorice root residue, a non wood lignocelullosic raw material produced following extraction process was investigated for medium density fiberboard production. MDF was produced utilizing fiber generated applying three steaming times (15, 20 and 25 minutes) at 170 °C steam temperature. The fibers were blended with 10 or 12 % urea formaldehyde resin and then the fiber mats were pressed for either 5, 6 and 7 minutes. Eighteen combinations of variables were obtained and for each combination, three boards and a total of 54 were produced. The anatomical characteristics of the roots and physical and mechanical properties of MDF including bending strength and modulus of elasticity, internal bonding and thickness swelling after 2 and 24 hours immersion in water were measured. The results revealed that the average fiber length and diameter of the root fibers were 1.02 mm and 11.63 µm respectively. The maximum bending strength , modulus of elasticity, internal bonding of the boards produced using fibers generated after 20 minutes steaming time, 7 minutes pressing and 10% resin were measured as 5.291 MPa. 559.4 MPa. and 0.1245 MPa., respectively. The minimum thickness swelling after 2 and 24 hours immersion in water of the above mentioned boards were 31.6% and 34.12% respectively. The results indicated that the fiber produced from licorice root can be used as a partial substitute in MDF production.
Abolfazl Kargarfard
The purpose of this study was to utilize rose flower stem residues in the core layer of particleboard. Three press temperatures of 160, 170 and 180 C and five percentages of rose stem pruning (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) in the core layer were used in the production of poplar wood particleboard. Mechanical ...
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The purpose of this study was to utilize rose flower stem residues in the core layer of particleboard. Three press temperatures of 160, 170 and 180 C and five percentages of rose stem pruning (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) in the core layer were used in the production of poplar wood particleboard. Mechanical and physical properties were measured and analyzed applying factorial experiment and complete randomized design.The results indicated that modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of the boards significantly decreased by increasing rose stem particles in the core layer and press temperature did not show any significant effect on MOR and MOE of the boards. However, the addition of rose stem particles in the core layer deteriorated the IB of the boards and the lowest value was attributed to 100% stem residues in core layer. Also, by increasing of rose stem particles in core layer, thickness swelling after 24 hours immersion in water increased significantly and showed irreversible behavior to IB of the boards. The results showed that the incorporation of this residues to particleboard furnish will not reduce the properties of the board and it met the standard requirements. Our finding confirmed that agricultural residues can be used in combination with conventional raw materials in particleboard production.
Pulp and paper
Ahmad Samariha; Jafar Ebrahimpoor kasmani; Saeed Mahdavi
Rapeseed straw was collected from a cultivation farm in the vicinity of Babul, Mazandaran. Average fiber length, width, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured as 860, 27.95, 18.86, and 4.42 µm respectively. Chemical components of rapeseed straw including cellulose, lignin, ash and ...
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Rapeseed straw was collected from a cultivation farm in the vicinity of Babul, Mazandaran. Average fiber length, width, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured as 860, 27.95, 18.86, and 4.42 µm respectively. Chemical components of rapeseed straw including cellulose, lignin, ash and extractives were measured as 44%, 19.21%, 6%, and 13% respectively. Optimum pulping conditions to reach the pulp yield of 66%, were selected applying chemical charge of 20% (based on Na2O), cooking temperature of 170 ºC, and cooking time of 30 min. The pulps were refined to 350 and 400 ml CSF using PFI mill. Statistical analysis showed that mechanical properties of hand sheets with the basis weight of 127 g m-2 made from rapeseed straw NSSC pulp at the freeness of 350 and 400 ml CSF exhibited better properties compared to mixed hardwood NSSC pulp to produce fluting paper.
Abolfazl Kargarfard
The objective of this study was to determine the suitability of the wood produced by adaptable eucalypt species for MDF production. Eucalyptus steriaticalyx fibers were produced using different levels of steaming time (5 and 10 minutes), and then medium density fiberboards were produced using these fibers ...
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The objective of this study was to determine the suitability of the wood produced by adaptable eucalypt species for MDF production. Eucalyptus steriaticalyx fibers were produced using different levels of steaming time (5 and 10 minutes), and then medium density fiberboards were produced using these fibers and one of the two levels of press temperature (175 and 185 ºC) and one of the three levels of press time (3, 3.5 and 4 minutes). Physical and mechanical properties of the panels were measured and analyzed. The results indicated that increasing of steaming time, decreased board MOR. Also press temperature and press time had significant effect on MOR and MOE and as the press temperature and time increased, the MOR and MOE of the boards decreased. Furthermore, results indicated that by increasing steaming time, the thickness swelling of boards reduced. The press temperature had significant effect on thickness swelling of boards and increasing the press temperature reduced the thickness swelling. These results indicate that Eucalyptus steriaticalyx as a fast growing species with acceptable physical and mechanical properties is a suitable lignocellulosic raw material for the production of MDF.
Fardad Golbabaei; Hossein Hosseinkhani; Abolfazl Kargarfard; Amir Nourbakhsh; Reza Hajihassani
The major engineering properties of Pinus taeda L. wood growing in different regions of Caspian forests (North of Iran) was determined. Test materials were selected randomly from Pinus teada tree plantation and the test specimens were prepared according to ASTM D-143 standard. Mechanical and physical ...
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The major engineering properties of Pinus taeda L. wood growing in different regions of Caspian forests (North of Iran) was determined. Test materials were selected randomly from Pinus teada tree plantation and the test specimens were prepared according to ASTM D-143 standard. Mechanical and physical properties were measured on both green and air-dried samples (12% moisture content). The results of the measurement were statistically analyzed based on randomized block design and factorial experiment. The influence of specimen locations at different stem heights was examined. Based on the results of this study, statistically significant difference of the measured properties was not observed between the samples collected from different regions. Toughness was not influenced by moisture content, but the compression strength perpendicular to the grain of wet and air-dry specimens was not similar. Mechanical properties of Pinus teada wood grown in Iran is generally of lower quality compare to those in their original habitat.
Composite wood products
Yasamin Khosrevani; Ali akbar Enayati; Alinaghi Karimi; Behbood Mohebi
The effects of different levels of wood particles acetylation and resin content on the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard were investigated. Boards were made within 6 treatments at three different levels of acetyl content (WPGs of 0%, 5.11% and 10.76 %) and two levels of resin content ...
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The effects of different levels of wood particles acetylation and resin content on the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard were investigated. Boards were made within 6 treatments at three different levels of acetyl content (WPGs of 0%, 5.11% and 10.76 %) and two levels of resin content (8 and 10 %).The results indicated that by increasing the level of particles acetylation, the density of boards was reduced whereas resin content increased this property. Equilibrium moisture content, water absorption and thickness swelling of the boards were reduced by 15.3%, 26.6% and 14.9%, respectively under optimum conditions as compared with control samples at higher acetylation levels and resin contents.MOR, MOE and IB decreased by increasing acetylation level but increasing resin content from 8 to 10 %, improved mechanical properties except for MOR which was not significantly affected by resin content. The result of this research have indicated that using 5.11% acetylation level and 10% resin content, it is possible to produce particleboard having enhanced physical properties with negligible loss of mechanical properties.
Physics and anatomy
Hossein Familian; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Mohammad hassan Asareh; Sayed mosa Sadeghi; Kamyar Salehi
Ziziphus spina- christi of the family Rhamnaceae is widely distributed especially in the southern region of Iran and considered as one of the most drought - resistant sub species of the country. This investigation is the first attempt to study wood properties of this species, in order to contribute to ...
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Ziziphus spina- christi of the family Rhamnaceae is widely distributed especially in the southern region of Iran and considered as one of the most drought - resistant sub species of the country. This investigation is the first attempt to study wood properties of this species, in order to contribute to a better understanding of it. It seems necessary to recognize the best utilization of this wood that are potentially available and easy to caltivate in Iran.The results of this study revealed that Ziziphus spina - christi is a diffuse - porous with pores round to oval, dense, hard and fine - textured wood. The length of vessel elements is medium, and the diameter relative high, few vessels per unit area and the type of perforation plates is simple. Parenchyma scanty paratracheal, vasicentric and rarely aliform. Libriform fibers length medium, thin to thick - walled. Rays 1-2 cells wide with medium length and not visible with nakedeye, crystals are common in most rays. In this species also percentages of cellulose and lignin are high but ash and extractive soluble in acetone content was found to be low.
Chemical conversion
Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Fardad Golbabaei
Threes, six and 12 years old sample trees of Populos deltoides 77.51 were randomly selected and felled at the safrabasteh research station located in Gilan province. Sample tree transferred to the Alborz research center- Karaj for Laboratory studies; The Laboratory studies included determination of physical, ...
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Threes, six and 12 years old sample trees of Populos deltoides 77.51 were randomly selected and felled at the safrabasteh research station located in Gilan province. Sample tree transferred to the Alborz research center- Karaj for Laboratory studies; The Laboratory studies included determination of physical, anatomical and chemical composition of revealed that with increasing trees age, fiber length and fiber diameter increased. There was significant differences among three ages studied at I percent probability.
Chemistry of wood
Abdolrahman Hosseinzadeh; Abbas Fakhryan roghani; Fardad Golbabaei; Nayeralsadat Sadraei
Eight-nineteen-year-old trees from Eucalyptus camaldulensis from De- hnow experimental Plantation located 160 Km. South west of Shiraz were selected randomly and fell two from each of the four blocks. Form each tree, 10 cm. thick cross-sectional discs at several different heights (3 meters intervals) ...
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Eight-nineteen-year-old trees from Eucalyptus camaldulensis from De- hnow experimental Plantation located 160 Km. South west of Shiraz were selected randomly and fell two from each of the four blocks. Form each tree, 10 cm. thick cross-sectional discs at several different heights (3 meters intervals) were cut and together with remaining boles then transferred to the Alborz Research Center-Karaj for laboratory studies. The laboratory studies included determination of physical, anatomical and mechanical properties as well as chemical compositions of wood.The mechanical properties were evaluated on the ASTM methods for air-dry and green conditions. The following conclusions were drawn from this study:E. camaldulensis from one site in southern region of Iran has an average specific gravity of 0.806, Fiber length of 1.043 mm, fiber diameter of 15.38 mm, lumen diameter of 4.84 mm, cell wall thickness 5.29 mm, cellulose content of 42.5 percent. It was found that the mean values of modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and compression strength-parallel to grain tested at green condition were 81.19 MPa, 10887 MPa and 67.39 MPa respectively.Data are also presented on other mechanical properties such as impact strength, nail withdrawal cleavage and etc.