Document Type : Research Paper


ِDirector of Forest Research Division - RIFR


This paper presents a new approach to forest wood production and stand productivity through dendroecology and analysis of the annual tree rings of forest broadleaves species. Based on this approach, samples were collected from different heights of the trees and the circumferential growth and wood production under the growth conditions were determined and the impact of probable competition was investigated. The application of tree dendrochronological method is also considered. The results of this study as part of a comprehensive work showed that in the Caspian forest region, this method can be used for such evaluation for more than last five years. A minimum three tree species namely oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky), oak (Quercus castaneaefolia C. A. Mey.) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in three different elevations along the transect line (profile line) from low (400 m), medium (900 m) and high elevation (1250 m) in Astara, Gilan region were selected. Various behaviors of tree species and their responses to climate changes have been recorded in different elevations. 


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