Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Wood and Paper Science and Technology Department, Natural Resources Faculty, University of Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc. graduated of Wood and Paper Science and Technology Department, Natural Resources Faculty, University of Tehran, Iran


The feasibility of using of wood and old corrugated container (OCC) fibers on the surface layers of particleboards was investigated. The kind of applied furnish at surface layers, the moisture and adhesive content were considered as variables and their effects on hardness and roughness of manufactured particleboards were examined. The results indicated that the application of both wood fibers and OCC on the surface layers of particleboard resulted in improving surface quality. The moisture and adhesive contents at high levels led to improved surface quality. The control samples with 10% adhesive and 14% moisture content yielded more hardness than the other. The smoothest surfaces appeared on the particleboards manufactured with wood and OCC fibers as well as 14% moisture content and 12% adhesive.


Main Subjects

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