Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc., Wood & paper science & technology university of tehran

2 Prof. Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran


The influence of pulping temperature and time on strength properties of bagasse soda pulp was investigated. Two cooking temperatures)175ْC,185 ْC (and three cooking times (20,30,40 minutes) were selected .The other variables were kept constant at 18 % NaOH and l/w=8. Tensile strength, tear strength index and folding endurance of hand sheets measured . Factorial experiment and randomized block design was used for statistical analysis and DMRT was used for grouping the means. The results indicate that, application of intermediate cooking intensity produced better pulp than more intense pulping at highest pulping time and temperature. However, more intense pulping produced better folding endurance and pulp prepared at 30 minutes cooking time showed better folding endurance than pulp produced at 20 minutes. The highest tear index was obtain at 185 ْC and 20minutes and lowest at 185ْC and 40 minutes. Results indicate that undamaged fibers will product highest tear index. The highest folding endurance was produced at 175 ْC and 30 minutes and the lowest at 185ْC and 30 minutes .Increasing pulping time reduced tensile index and the highest and lowest tensile index obtained at 20 and 40 minutes pulping time respectively.


Main Subjects

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