Document Type : Research Paper
1 Wood and Paper Science Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands P.O.Box: 13185-116. Fax: 021-4196573 Tehran,Iran
2 College of Natural Resources of Tehran University Iran
In this investigation, Biological, Anatomical, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Phragmites australis Var australis (Cav) Trin. Where investigated in nine plots, at the Hooralazim in southern Iran and talab Anzali in northern of Iran. investigation of biological characteristics indicated that the mean culm diameter the culm pith diameter and internod length of reeds in the north is more than south. The average biological characteristics of P. australis is: culm length, 5.17 mm.; culm diameter, 13.99 mm. culm pith diameter 10.98 mm.; culm wall-thickness, 1.33mm.; Number of nods, 31 and internod length, 10.22 cm. Investigation of Physical characteristics indicated that, density, shrinkage and swelling, in samplaes from south is significantly higher than samples from north. The investigation of chemical characteristics indicated that, there is not significant difference between chemical characteristics.