Document Type : Management and Economics Wood


1 Ms.C Student, Department of Wood and Paper Science and Technology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Wood and Paper Science and Technology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.

3 Associate Prof., Department of Wood and Paper Science and Technology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.


    Background and Objectives: Organizations depend on marketing, innovation and learning indicators to increase organizational performance and competitive advantage. By taking advantage of appropriate marketing and innovation capabilities, in addition to profitability and competitive advantage, product life cycle prolongation and stability in the competition scene are provided for organizations. The rapid changes in production technologies necessitate the strengthening of human resource capabilities for all elements. Organization is necessary.
   Methodology: The effect of marketing capabilities, innovations, learning of employees on the performance of wooden office furniture companies with the approach of structural equations has been investigated. The statistical population of this research consists of managers and engineers working in wooden office furniture companies located in industrial towns in Tehran and Alborz provinces. Sampling method was classified and Crecy-Morgan table was used to determine the sample size (92 people). Initial effective indicators were selected by studying the available sources and the conceptual model of the research considering the performance of the organization (company) as a dependent variable and marketing, innovation and learning variables as independent variables. The main tool for collecting information for this research was a questionnaire. Correlation and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling based on partial least squares method were used to investigate the research hypotheses and analyze the structural relationships between variables.
    Results: The results showed that innovation, marketing and learning capabilities had a positive effect on the performance of wooden furniture companies. In addition, these capabilities complement 96.9% of the changes in the dependent variable of the company's performance. The results of the model quality evaluation index show that marketing capability (strong effect), innovation capability (medium effect), learning capability (weak effect) have the greatest impact on company performance. Finally, the results of this study remind the various companies producing wood furniture industry products that are constantly looking to export their goods that, unlike the somewhat non-competitive domestic market, to compete with other companies in target markets, should try. Due to factors such as marketing, innovation and learning, improve products quality, reduce costs and ultimately increase company performance.
    Conclusion: The use of appropriate marketing methods, innovative capabilities and increasing human resource capabilities in order to strengthen organizational learning in wooden furniture industry companies will strengthen the performance and position of the mentioned companies.


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