Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc Student in Pulp and Paper Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

2 Associate professor, Factulty Members in Pulp and Paper Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

3 professor Factulty Members in Pulp and Paper Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan,

4 Associate professor, Factulty Members in Pulp and Paper Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan


The present study was carried out aiming to investigate the effect of using Deinked Mixed Office Waste Pulp (MOW) on the properties of Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulp (APMP) from cotton stalk.  APMP pulps was prepared using chelating agents such as Na2SiO3 and DTPA (control sample) and without these agents in two-stage pulping withL/Wratio 6:1(ml/g), 20 minutes impregnation time at 70 0Cfor firststage, 60 minutes impregnation at 75 0Cfor second stage. Also, pulp was preparedfrommixed office waste paper, whichweredeinked with conventional flotation and then each pulp was separately refined up to about 300 ml CSF. The handsheets were made from control sample pulps, APMP without chelating agents, MOW deinked pulp and mixing with 10%, 20% deinked pulp with control APMP. Physical and mechanical properties were determined using TAPPI standard methods. Deinked MOW pulp had the maximum values of density, brightness, strength properties and APMP pulp without chelating agents had the minimum values. Among mixed pulps, APMP pulp containing 20% deinked MOW pulp showed the maximum value of density, brightness, burst index and tear index. 


Main Subjects

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