Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Prof., Wood and forest products division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran


In this research was to use the effects micro cellulose, and Multi walled Carbon Nanotube on the mechanical properties of wood plastics composites. This article presents the application of Multi walled Carbon Nanotube in order to evaluate and compare their suitability as reinforcement for thermoplastics. The effects of loading micro cellulose and Multi walled Carbon Nanotube content on the mechanical properties were also studied.
The results showed that mechanical properties of the composites made with 50 micron cellulose and 1.5 and 2.5 % of Multi walled Carbon Nanotube were significantly superior to those of the lower length (20 micron) and control samples. Addition of Multi walled Carbon Nanotube could enhance the mechanical properties of the blends, due to the improvement of interface bond between the filler and matrix of wood plastics composites. The significant improvements in mechanical properties of the blends composites made with Multi walled Carbon Nanotube and micro cellulose were further supported by SEM and TEM micrographs.


Main Subjects

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