Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS.c., Wood and Paper Science & Technology Department, Natural Resources Faculty, Tehran University, Iran,

2 Prof. College of Natural Resources Tehran University.

3 MS.c., Wood and Paper Science & Technology Department, College of Natural Resources, Tehran University.


The aim of this study was investigating the parameters of mortise and tenon joint  made out of beech and hornbeam and develop formula to estimate ultimate bending strength. Mortis and tenon joint, one of the joints type, in placed in both form of corner and cross. In furniture industry, Mortis and tenon joint is widely used, because of its low cost and easy utilization. In this study, the effects of tenon height 2.5 ,3.5 and 5 cm, shoulder width 0/125, 0/25 and 0/375 cm on the resistance of Mortis and tenon against the ultimate bending strength were investigated. The results showed that the highest ultimate bending strength of Mortis and tenon in hornbeam possessed to the 5 cm tenon height and 0/25 shoulder width. Finally, it was found that the ultimate bending strength () of the joint could be predicted by means of the formula , where  ultimate bending strength , is shear strength of the wood, = rail rail,  tenon height, shoulder width factor, adhesive factor,  tenon fit factor


Main Subjects

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