Document Type : Research Paper


1 1- Ph.D. Candidate, College of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

2 2- Associate Prof., Agriculture Research Center Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran

3 Associate Prof. College on Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

4 Professor, Payam-e-Nor University, Tehran, Iran


In the course of enhanced bioremediation, addition of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, etc, substrates, electron acceptors as well as vitamins (Thiamin, etc) and veratryl alcohol, increased metabolic activities, will influence the production of enzymes and enhances the deterioration of pollutants. In this study, the effect of 1% (V/V) of nutrients containing various mineral salts, carbon (glucose and malt), nitrogen (casein peptone yeast extract) and some enzyme inducer, such as veratryl alcohol and thiamin hydrochloride on production of laccase, peroxidase and xylanase enzymes by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in bagasse preparation effluent is investigated. The results showed that MSB+MCTV is the most effective additive which causes the highest lignolitic activity of  this fungus after 5 to 7 days in case of laccase and peroxidase and 3 days for xylanase, and maximizes the production of the enzymes. The production of these enzymes is measured at 78, 193 and 60 U/l respectively. However, in conditions without additives, the relevant values are 26, 54 and 16 U/l respectively. The relation between different stages of fungus growth and enzyme production and changes in lignin and carbohydrate of effluent after the period of nine days is also investigated.


Main Subjects

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