Document Type : Research Paper


1 wood and paper science and technology department, of natural Resources faculty, university of Tehran. IRAN

2 M.Sc, chemical engineering, Iranian polymer and petrochemical institute


Yellowing of lignin-rich mechanical pulp is mainly attributed to light-induced changes in lignin structure. Hence, in this study the photodegradation of milled wood lignin (MWL) prepared from hardwood bleached chemimechanical pulp (BCMP) was investigated. The lignin preparation was then impregnated on Whatman filter paper and irradiated with UV light during 4 hour exposure time. Then, photodegraded lignin was recovered and characterized by
Irradiation caused to β-O-4 bonds cleavage, increase in carboxylic and phenolic hydroxyl groups, decrease in methoxyl, primary and secondary hydroxyl group. The amount of β-β and β-5 condensation structures was increased during irradiation.


Main Subjects

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