Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student at Wood and Paper Science and Technology, University of Tehran

2 Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran

3 Prof., Wood and Paper Science and Technology, Tehran University

4 Associate Prof. of Natural Resources College of Tehran University

5 Associate Prof. Wood and Paper Science and Technology, University of Tehran Manager, Research and Development Dept. Iran Wood and Paper Industries


Apparent Density of paper is the most effective physical property which directly and indirectly affects most of the strength and optical properties of paper such as tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, light scattering coefficient as well as the bonded area between fibers. Since paper making variables influences the apparent density of paper, in this study, the influence of OCC pulp freeness, and drying conditions are investigated.  The influence of three freeness levels of 350,450, and 550 CSF, drying under strain and unstrained, drying temperatures of 100, 150, 200 C and drying pressure of 7 and 10 kg/cm2 are studied. The relationship between paper making variables and apparent density is developed. All measurements of apparent density were analyzed using Minitab 15 and regression model between independent variables was calculated. The results showed that both pulp freeness and drying temperature had the highest impact on apparent density and both factors increased the apparent density.  The response of apparent density of the hand sheets dried at 200 C varied considerably and was analyzed thoroughly.  Higher pressure increased apparent density of the sheets. The combined effect of variables is also considered. The combined effect of pulp freeness and drying temperature caused lignin softening and delamination. However, the influence of increasing the drying pressure for unrefined and less refined pulp is not significant.  Furthermore, for unstrained drying, the influence of freeness on apparent density was more than strained drying. Manufacturing of more desirable quality papers would be possible considering the obtained results and the effect of Apparent Density on paper strength properties.


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