Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member, Wood and Forest Products Science Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran

2 Inspection Expert, Social Welfare and Labor Office of Mianeh Township, I.R. Iran


Due to the nature of wood and paper companies and the risks and incidents in which there is, the importance of safety and safety culture is essential for working in these industries. The aim of present study was to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of employees regarding safety culture.
In this cross-sectional study ,236 workers were examined and the data confirmed the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were collected. The data using appropriate statistical tests were analyzed by spss software.
A total of 236 persons, 64% wrere high school graduated and less than, 8% were Technicians and 18% were BA and MA. Mean years of age and experience, respectively were 19.55, 7.02, 43.65, 7.40, sd, respectively. The results showed that eight important factors has the most important role for contributing of the safety culture. After the factors rotation on each other, the variance accounted for over 45% of the variance that the three first factors ,management commitment, the level of information exchange, directing to the rules and Instructions are 11.41, 9.6 and 5.05 respectively.
Eight factors influence on improving the safety function and proper development of safety function in the studied companies. Managers with appropriate training programs, work safety and safety of staff will play an important role in the culture and knowledge of safety.


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